Welcome to our web site!
We are pleased that you are visiting our web site. This page is
here to provide information about unique guided tours, walks, hikes, step-on tours and accomodations.
On this site, you'll find information about various tour guides,
tour managers and accomodations, along with descriptions of each one's specialities.
If you have more questions about membership, please contact this site
If you have more questions about a specific guide's tours or company's
services, please contact him/her/it directly.
NMGO is a limitied liability company, registered in the state of New Mexico, whose primary
goal is to market professional tour guides' and tour directors' services directly to the public. It intends to accomplish
this by creating, maintaining and promoting a webpage which encourages direct communication with any particular guide, tour
director, or accomodation whether by regular mail, email or a link.
By joining NMGO, you will get a listing on its webpage and assurance that the webpage will be promoted at least three times
a year as well as linked to appropriate sites on an ongoing basis. NMGO will have its own certification program through its
educational branch, the NM Guides Association, LLC, but recognizes other certifications as well. NMGO also will be offering
group liability insurance for its members.
NMGO, LLC has had an ad in the New Mexico Visitors Guide since 2004.
NM Guides Online
PO Box 1601
Santa Fe, NM 87504
505 988 8022
Please get in touch to offer comments and/or to join our organization.